Friday 24 July 2015

Friday Update!

I lost 2lbs on Wednesday at SW, so my weight loss is off to a good start. Long may this continue!

On Thursday evening we had a works get together at The Swan, South Wootton for Ines's last day at work – excellent turn out from work and was fabulous to see Caraline E. and Lesley K. there (love Lesley's new blonde look!). The £5.99 Hogroast however, did not impress us all (I had a bean burger) with meat in a bun served on a small square plate the size of a saucer and no salad at all, not exactly exciting. People were happier when we told we could go up for second helpings, but there were no second helpings for Elyse (also vege) and I we were told! Why should you be treated differently, because you are vegetarian! I was very surprised as The Swan has always had a good reputation for excellent food and service – it didn't impress me this evening at all. We were lucky with the weather however and it was a beautiful sunny evening sitting out in the pub garden. A few of us went back to Lesley's house, where Hilary kept us entertained with her amusing antics and stories before we all returned home. Ines is an extremely enthusiastic, hardworking OT and will be very much missed. She made the big decision to leave the UK and return to her birth country with her new family – wishing her lots of happiness in her new venture.

Its been pouring with rain all day and still raining now this evening, looks like a grim forecast for the weekend! I really can't decide what to do tomorrow yet!

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