Tuesday 18 August 2015

Burnham Overy Dunes!

Monday 17th August

Burnham Overy Dunes

I whizzed over to Burnham Overy Dunes after work this evening in hope of seeing yesterday's Barred Warbler. There was no news on the pager about this bird at all, but that of course doesn't mean to say it wasn't there. I was surprised on how many people were on site when I arrived at the pull-in lay by at Burnham Overy. It was a beautiful evening when I left King's Lynn, but now it was colder, windier and not the glorious sunshine I had left behind me.

I headed down the track to the dunes. Didn't see anything of particular note on route and the Barred Warbler was not seen by anyone I spoke to. I found the Icterine Warbler pretty quickly as Richard Brooks was there! It had re-located to the gully/ scrub just east of the apple tree and was showing very nicely indeed, every now and again. Richard told me his mother had celebrated her 100th birthday this week – what a fabulous achievement! Hope I make 100! I'm half way there already! Anyway, the Icterine Warbler eventually disappeared for a while, Richard headed back, but I stayed a bit longer and re-found the bird skulking in the apple tree in the failing light just before I left.
Linnet in the bushes adjacent to the apple tree

I spent a long time taking funky sunset pictures. The skies were spectacular this evening with swathes of pinks, reds and yellows across the horizon – what a beautiful county we live in. Hundreds of Black-headed Gulls were in the channel – black silhouettes against orange, rippling water. Got back to my car at around 8.45pm and home at 9.30pm. Fell asleep on the sofa and woke after 12am!!!

Sunset and Roosting Black-headed Gulls

Burnham Overy Staithe