Sunday 30 August 2015


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Great White Egret, Garganey x 3 at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB.
Black Tern, Spoonbills x 14, Little Stint x 11, Spotted Redshanks x 2, Curlew Sandpipers x 2 at Titchwell RSPB.
MINKE WHALE c1ml off shore at 7.30am, east past Cley.
Caspian Gull, Wood Sandpipers x 2, Spoonbill, Whinchats x 2 at Cley NWT.
BLUETHROAT Male still, WRYNECK, Pied Flycatcher, Whinchat, Short-eared Owl at North Dunes, Winterton.
Curlew Sandpipers x 2 at Breydon Water.
RED-BACKED SHRIKE juv., Wood Sandpipers x 3 at Kelling Water Meadows.
Short-eared Owl, Whinchats x 4 at Burnham Overy Dunes.
TURTLEDOVES x 7, Little Stints x 11, Curlew Sandpipers x 5 at Snettisham RSPB.
Whinchats x 2 at Sheringham.
Balearic Shearwater flew east past Weybourne.
Osprey at Great Ryburgh.
Caspian Gulls x 2 at Overstrand.
Osprey flew west over Norwich.
WRYNECK at Nunnery Lakes, Thetford.
WRYNECK at Caister-on-Sea.
BARRED WARBLER at The Hood, Spoonbills x 2, Whinchats x 2 at Blakeney Point.
Pectoral Sandpiper at Rush Hill Scrape, Hickling Broad NWT.
Great White Egret at Holkham.
Pomarine Skua reported at Gore Point, Short-eared Owl, Whinchats x 3 at Holme Dunes NWT.

Lincolnshire Highlights
RED-FOOTED FALCON 1s Male still at Willow Tree Fen LWT, WSW of Spalding.

GREENISH WARBLER reported at Frampton Marsh RSPB.

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