Thursday 13 August 2015

Snettisham Coastal Park!

After seeing Icterine Warbler on the pager along with Redstarts etc I decided to make the effort to go and look for some Autumn migrants at Snettisham Coastal Park from 6.30pm to 9pm this evening.

I was very disappointed, very little seen and far too many big loose dogs around for my liking. Heard a Chiffchaff, saw 2 Wrens, a Blue Tit and a Sedge Warbler. Best bird was a Turtle Dove that was feeding close to the shoreline at 7.45pm, then flew off inland, didn't get a chance to get a photo though. At least 200+ Sanderlings feeding along the water's edge in a feeding frenzy, with a few Turnstones also in the flock. A Sparrowhawk bombed through and over the sea wall. I looked hard for the Redstart in the caravan park reported on RBA, but no sign. Gloomy, cloudy skies as I drove home.

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