Saturday 12 September 2015

Andrea's 50th Birthday Party!

Cèilidh Dance at a Local Hall
I LOVE dancing with a passion, but I had to sit this one out for several reasons –  I have a really dodgy left ankle and didn't want to finish it off and also didn't want to ruin my birding week with one night of dancing! So I spent the evening watching my work colleagues and Andrea's friends doing some crazy moves. Took some cracking video of them all – will be on my youtube account this week.

Andrea Pearson's 50th Birthday Party. Two videos with Andrea Pearson, Tim R., Sarah Barber, Emily Mathers, Chloe Hill , Kelly Lehmann, Scott Ablett and Sarah to be Ablett, Anne-Marie Hurst, Suzy Butler, Hilary Palmer, Gemma Vivash, Lesley Kemp and Bob!

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