Saturday 17 October 2015


There has to be a mega out there somewhere, search hard and when you find your monster bird, ring the news in early – no suppression please, east or west!

I spoke to Pete S. this evening who found the Great Grey Shrike on Muckleburgh Hill (his local patch) and he said that in one of his favourite areas on the hill this evening, were tons of Goldcrests and at least 15 Chiffchaffs in one tiny little patch! He had never seen it like that. He added 'there has to be something big on this hill'. I actually hope there isn't with the parking situation as it is.

Lots of good birds to be found tomorrow, enjoy the weekend everyone!

Saturday – North, North East – strong 20mph winds all day.
Sunday – North, North East on Sunday but winds drop significantly to around 7mph, which could be the day for finding that monster bird!

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