Tuesday 13 October 2015


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL fem/1w Male still, 50 yds west of crosstracks at west end of pines, though elusive, DUSKY WARBLER still at west end of pines just west of no entry gate, PALLAS'S WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Tree Pipit, Firecrest, Ring Ouzels x 4, Short-eared Owl, Richard's Pipit flew east, Great White Egret at Holkham.
ISABELLINE SHRIKE 1w (probably Daurian Shrike) still in hedge near pond at Beeston Common, Sheringham.
BLYTH'S REED WARBLER on Sunday 5pm-5.20pm, but no sign yesterday at Kelling Water Meadows.
BALTIC GULL possible in ploughed field east of church, Hen Harrier at Waxham.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Firecrests x 3 at Stiffkey Campsite Wood.
Sabine's Gulls x 2, Pomarine Skuas x 3, Sooty Shearwaters x 2, Arctic Skuas x 6, Short-eared Owl at Holme Dunes.
Richard's Pipit, Short-eared Owls x 2, Ring Ouzels x 2, Jack Snipe at Gun Hill, Sooty Shearwaters x 2 flew west at Burnham Overy Dunes.
BLYTH'S REED WARBLER (J.S.) between The Dell and toilet block though elusive, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Firecrests x 4, Ring Ouzels x 2 at Wells Woods.
Black Brant at Wells Quay.
Barred Warbler, Long-eared Owl, Firecrest at East Hills, Wells.
Sooty Shearwaters x 5, Manx Shearwaters x 6, Great Skuas x 4, Blue Fulmar, Arctic Skuas x 6, Slavonian Grebe at Sheringham.
LEACH'S PETREL, Balearic Shearwater, large shearwater sp, Sooty Shearwaters x 7, Manx Shearwater, Long-tailed Duck, Great Skuas x 13, Arctic Skua x 6 at Happisburgh.
Sooty Shearwaters x 10, Long-tailed Ducks x 2, Great Skuas x 8, Arctic Skuas x 5 at Winterton.
Firecrests x 2 at Duffles Pond, Winterton.
Long-tailed Skua, Arctic Skua, Great Skuas x 7, Balearic Shearwater, Pomarine Skua, Sooty Shearwaters x 30, Manx Shearwaters x 12, Puffin x 2, Long-tailed Duck at Beach Car Park, Cley.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Barns Drift, Cley (M.A.G.)
Yellow-browed Warbler at Horsey Corner.
Ring Ouzel, Short-eared Owl south of Nelson's Head Track, Horsey.
Bittern at Welney WWT.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Caister Road Cemetery.
PALLAS'S WARBLER reported at Muckleburgh Hill, Weybourne.
Sabine's Gull, Sooty Shearwaters x 4, Manx Shearwater, Little Gulls x 2, Long-tailed Duck at Weybourne.
Curlew Sandpiper, Hen Harrier, Yellow-legged Gull, Red-crested Pochard at Titchwell RSPB.

MEGA! WILSON'S WARBLER on Isle of Lewis.

MEGA! PECHORA PIPIT on North Ronaldsay, Orkney.
MEGA! BLYTH'S PIPIT on St Mary's, Isles of Scilly. 
MEGA! PECHORA PIPIT at Melby, Shetland.  

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