Wednesday 28 October 2015

On Holiday Again!!!

I kept that one quiet didn't I!!! Out birding tomorrow, not back to work until Thursday 5th November!!! I originally booked all next week off, but brought it forward by a couple of days, glad I did, as the winds blow west all next week. At least it remains east for the next few days, hoping very much for that Norfolk Mega still!

Father fell out of bed last night, Mother hauled him back in, when she has strict instructions NOT to as he is too heavy and she could injure herself or worse. She should have simply called the brilliant, 24 local emergency service for people that have fallen. But my Mother doesn't take any notice of safe and sensible procedures. She wasted her energy anyway, as she still couldn't get Father where he should be in bed and had to call them anyway!!! Parents are soooo disobedient!

Father will be 89 on Monday 2nd November – I really, really hope he makes it. I've just bought him two thermal tops from Tescos – he's constantly saying he's cold. He's cold because he refuses to wear thermal tops, so I'm putting my foot down now – well I'll try anyway! I have been buying the same men's thermal tops for years, they are brilliant – I don't give a hoot if they are for men or women, they do the job and I wear them every time I go birding in Autumn/Winter!

I don't have much luck with kettles – the switch broke on mine this week and this evening I went to Tescos to try and exchange it – I was very lucky indeed, as it was just out of the year guarantee and the Manager allowed me to exchange it for the same one. Oh AND I lost 4lbs at SW this evening – not been for three weeks, so I should have lost that anyway, but pleased with that result – any loss is good!

Will tomorrow be a lucky day? Maybe! I havn't got a clue where to start tomorrow to be honest, east or west – will have a think later on.

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