Wednesday 21 October 2015

QEH Update

Father has become increasingly agitated and well impossible (best way of putting it!) as the day has gone on. My Mother came to visit this afternoon and to meet with OT/PT to discuss Father's discharge from hospital. I found out early evening, that the most important tablet he should have had, that keeps him sane, was not given last night as he refused to take it. So this explained why its been such a difficult day. He refused it again this evening, but I laid down the law and got very bossy with him and between Mother and I (with nurse supervising), we managed to get him to take the tablet thank goodness. He may be coming home tomorrow, which is good for him, but pity Mother couldn't have a rest a bit longer. I took Mother home this evening and we got fish 'n' chips from 'Sunny Hunny' on route. Their house was freezing, Father will get a shock when he returns home after sitting in a hot hospital!

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