Saturday 28 November 2015


FRIDAY 27th November
Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
PALLID HARRIER juv again, Waxwings x 4 flew south, Waxwings x 4 at Beach Road at Snettisham RSPB.
Hawfinches x 4 at Lynford Aboretum.
Waxwing in garden, Purple Sandpiper at Sheringham.
Black Redstart north of pier at Gorleston-on-Sea.
Yellow-browed Warbler and Ring Ouzel in gardens at Salthouse.
RISSO'S DOLPHINS, probable x 2, Long-tailed Duck, Great Skua, Water Pipits x 2, Bittern, Hen Harrier, Spotted Redshank, Red-crested Pochard at Titchwell RSPB.
Snow Bunting at Thornham Point.
Twite x 19 at Thornham Harbour.
Hen Harriers x 2, Velvet Scoter, Great Northern Diver at Holme.
Taiga Bean Geese x 23, Eurasian White-fronted Geese x 129 at Cantley Marshes RSPB.
Water Pipit at Cantley Beet Factory.
Taiga Bean Geese x 4 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.
Caspian Gull at Nunnery Lakes NR, Thetford.

MEGA! AMERICAN BITTERN again east of Owenahincha on lake north of road at Castlefreke, County Cork, Ireland.
MEGA! WESTERN RUFOUS TURTLE DOVE 1w (form meena) again in garden at Ladysmith Road on West side at Scalloway, Shetland.

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