Saturday 5 December 2015

Gale Force Birding in King's Lynn!

Fisher Fleet, Docks at King's Lynn
Phone-scoped Video with Swarovski ATS 65mm HD Telescope with 25-50x w eye-piece &
Apple iphone 6 with Kowa TSN-IP6 Photo Adapter.

I woke up at some ridiculous hour with toothache again – after going all through the agony of having a filling removed and re-filled, it looks like I will have to return to the dentist again, to find out why I am still in bl**dy pain! More paracetamol and ibuprofen today.

Slept in to recover from the Christmas Party, so I didn't get out until the afternoon. I decided to stay local and had fabulous views of the stunning Juvenile Iceland Gull at the Fisher Fleet in King's Lynn. It was blowing a massive gale and I had a job to stop the scope from blowing over. Phone-scoping and photography was virtually impossible in those winds, but I had a go anyway. I ended up phone-scoping with the scope balanced on a bean bag from the car window, which didn't turn out too bad really. Herring Gulls and Black-headed Gulls where in the mix and they were all being battered by the wind – most of them were hunkered down on the mud to keep their balance. Every time the Iceland Gull stood up, he was buffeted in the wind.

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