Monday 28 December 2015


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Shorelarks x 3, Twite x 20 at Thornham Harbour.
PALLID HARRIER juv again, Hen Harrier at Abbey Farm at Flitcham.
Rough-legged Buzzard south of Choseley Drying Barns.
Shorelarks x 3 on beach by Gun Hill at Burnham Overy Dunes.
Black Brant, Tundra Bean Geese x 4, Eurasian White-fronted Geese x 4, Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Cley NWT.
Cattle Egret SW of Sea Palling.
Rough-legged Buzzard over pines opposite Field House Farm Track at Brancaster.
RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Juv. along A149, 100 yds east of B1155 junction, Great White Egret, Velvet Scoter, Shag at Holkham.
Iceland Gull at Fisherfleet, King's Lynn.
Eurasian White-fronted Geese x 112 at Cantley Marshes RSPB.
Taiga Bean Geese x 2, Common Crane at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.
Hen Harrier, Short-eared Owls x 2, Snow Bunting, Spotted Redshank at Breydon Water.
Short-eared Owl at North Dunes, Snow Buntings x 19 at North Beach, Winterton.
Short-eared Owl at Horsey.
Hen Harriers x 2 at Stiffkey.
Common Cranes x 9, Bewick's Swans x 29, Whooper Swans x 4, Marsh Harriers x 30, Hen Harriers x 4 at Stubb Mill Roost, Hickling Broad NWT.
Shorelark reported at North Denes, Great Yarmouth.
Golden Pheasant at Wolferton.

MEGA! MOURNING DOVE SW of Loch of Clickimin at Murrayston, Shetland.

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