Tuesday 22 December 2015

Shortest Day Of The Year & Christmas Day!

Thank goodness for that! Looking forward to lighter evenings.

We are so busy at work, there is no time to think about Christmas until Christmas Eve! I'm doing something VERY exciting on Christmas Day, something very different indeed. All will be revealed on the day!

Last dentist appointment tomorrow, great! Suppose I had better hit the supermarket after work tomorrow and get my Christmas dinner for one sorted out!


  1. "I'm doing something VERY exciting on Christmas Day, something very different indeed. All will be revealed on the day!"....
    The water'll be too cold for skinny dipping at Hunst'n on Christmas day...

    Hope you have a much better end to the year...
    and an enjoyable start to 2016.
    Hippo Crimbles and Bon Fortune for 2016,

    1. Thank you Tim and a Very Merry Christmas to you and your wife and a Happy New Year. Thanks for all your support.
