Thursday 7 January 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Iceland Gull at The Fisherfleet, King's Lynn.
PALLID HARRIER juv again at Abbey Farm at Flitcham.
Golden Pheasant at Wolferton Triangle.
Great White Egret at Welney WWT.
Hen Harrier at North Dunes, Winterton.
Shorelarks x 3 at Thornham Harbour.
Water Pipit at Titchwell RSPB.
Tundra Bean Geese x 10, Water Pipit at Cley NWT.
Hen Harriers x 3 at Roydon Common.

MEGA! GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL Adult still at Castletownbere Harbour, County Cork, Ireland.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL still at Mount's Bay, 3 mls east of Penzance at Marazion, Cornwall.
MEGA! MOURNING DOVE still SW of Loch of Clickimin at Murrayston, Shetland.

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