Saturday 27 February 2016

Cley and Blakeney!

A cold day with north east winds and sunshine. I wasn't able to get out until the afternoon. Headed straight for Cleyspy to collect something and then had a look round their shop for new car binoculars, but couldn't find anything I fell in love with, apart from the funky green Leica bins – far too expensive for me! I like to have a cheapish pair of binoculars in my work bag/car – the pair I currently have could be better!

Walsey Hills NOA is looking good with lots of scrub clearance, although the top path at the east end still needs widening. Nothing of note really to report – Robin, Hedgesparrow, Blue Tit, Great Tit, Coal Tit, Chaffinches, Heron, Curlews and Pheasants. I could see the new hide/shelter on the East Bank, but didn't venture up there.

Blakeney Freshmarsh produced 2 Marsh Harriers, but no sign of any Lapland Buntings or Twite whilst I was there. Huge numbers of Shelduck in Blakeney Channel.

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