Sunday 14 February 2016

Brancaster Staithe, Holkham & Cley!

Distant views of the Red-necked Grebe in the channel at Brancaster Staithe. I had much better views of 3 beautiful Red-breasted Mergansers, along with a Goldeneye, Tufted Ducks, Turnstones etc.

A long walk at Holkham Park produced a distant, blurry view of the Ferruginous duck asleep on the far bank, on the other side of the island in the lake. Also saw a Red Kite above my head and a lovely Grey Wagtail flicked around the opposite side of the lake. Saw a Mistle Thrush on the walk back, but no other birds of note. Carpets of snowdrops everywhere, lots of deer and beautiful light with blue skies.

Arrived at Cley Visitor Centre NWT with minutes to spare before they closed, just in time for me to buy a present for someone! The skies blackened and it started snowing!!! Drove to Coastguards and battled my way over the shingle for an exhilarating sea fix, watching massive waves crashing onto the shingle. It was bitterly cold. Watched the sun set, had a coffee and drove to Holme. Spent the rest of the evening with my parents. I could hear hail on the windows as we watched Country File. No snow in King's Lynn.... yet!


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