Wednesday 27 April 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Wryneck in gardens west of warden's house along A149 at Cley.
Ring Ouzel at Sidestrand.
Garganey x 2 in water meadow North of Felbrigg Hall NT.
Temminck's Stint, Continental Black-tailed Godwit still on Pat's Pool at Cley NWT.
Great White Egrets x 2, Garganey x 2, Short-eared Owl at Welney WWT.
Arctic Terns x 2 flew East past Horsey.
Wood Warbler singing just east of Washington Hide, briefly at 2.30pm, Firecrest in pines just east of Lady Anne's Drive at Holkham.
Black Brant, Dark-bellied Brent Geese x 100 on saltings on North side of Blakeney Bank.
WHITE STORK esc. flew SW over Surlingham Marsh RSPB.
Ring Ouzel in sheep field at Kelling Water Meadows.
WHITE STORK esc. flew West over Whitlingham Country Park.
Whimbrels x 23 on village hall sports ground at Thornham.
Garganey x 3 at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.
Hen Harrier at Ten Mile Bank.

MEGA! GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL still at Castletownbere, County Cork, Ireland.

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