Thursday 26 May 2016

CleySpy, Walsey Hills and Gramborough Hill!

I returned the Kowa binoculars to CleySpy and exchanged the binoculars for another pair to trial! Bought a vegetable pie and some pear & ginger cake from Cley Deli and went to have my lunch at Coastguards. The forecast North East winds kicked in by mid afternoon, so I hoped something good would be found.

Searched Walsey Hills NOA thoroughly – found a good number of Chiffchaffs, a Blackcap singing, a couple of Reed Buntings and Hedgesparrows. Also Orange Tip, Speckled Wood and Small Copper butterflies seen.

Bumped into Marcus Nash who had just seen a Glaucous Gull flying west and a Short-eared Owl. Walked to Gramborough Hill which produced the usual Stonechats, Whitethroats, 2 Goldfinches, Meadow Pipits, Swallows and Sand Martins. Disappointed not have found any migrants, I left at 6pm to give the new binoculars to Mother. Phoned Sommerville Care Home to ask how father was and then returned home.

Typical that the Weybourne Icterine Warbler turns up an hour after I leave! Out early in the morning to find my OWN Icterine Warbler!

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