Tuesday 3 May 2016

Nurse Penny!

I never expected the Black-headed Wagtail to reappear again today, I thought it was long gone. Very frustrating to hear it had turned up again this afternoon at Titchwell RSPB, when I wasn't really able to go. I'd love to know where its been spending its time after 4.30pm (ish) yesterday and today?! Far too early to roost and where its spending its time in the mornings – elusive and tantilising bird!

I had committed myself to giving Mother a break for the entire day and arrived at their house just before 7am. Mother was woke up by a Turtle Dove singing in the garden at 5.30am!!! How fabulous was that! Father was already up when I arrived, having already had a wash etc, but I shaved him and helped him with breakfast. Put Mother's washing out on the line, made some essential phone calls for her and then went to Hunstanton to do a mini shop and some banking. Bumped into a dear school friend called Veronica Bland who lives in Hunstanton – not seen her for years, so nice to see her – she still holds the record for the fastest 400m and 800m runs at the Smithdon High School!

Made a roast dinner and an apple and sultana crumble with cream for dessert. Father's doctor turned up (as requested) for a family discussion about tablets, going into a care home etc. The doctor said he thought Father should have gone into a home a long time ago and he said "your Mother had always insisted she carry on". I think he could see Mother was at breaking point. Father's BP was pretty good today. After the doctor left, we all had a siesta!!! I felt so tired. Helped with chores in the evening and then left at 9pm.

Back to work tomorrow, but have the entire weekend off. South and South East winds from Thursday onwards, could be the beginning of some seriously good birds! I have two weeks off from 21st May, which is also the weekend of the Norfolk Bird & Wildfair at Mannington Hall – see my link to the website at the top of my blog.

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