Wednesday 1 June 2016

Atrocious Weather Again!

This weather is getting seriously boring now! Just a little bit of sunshine to bring out all those rarities hunkering down in the sueda, that's all I ask! Doesn't look like there will be any sunshine until Saturday, when it will be turning north easterly too. I notice that it looks fabulous weather with south easterly winds when I return to work next week – typical!

Nothing much to write about today really. Helped mother with some important jobs and took her to Hunstanton to do some banking and shopping. It was awful weather to be out in and all the holiday makers looked very fed-up. Spent the evening writing loads of information down for Mother about Social Services, things that have been arranged etc etc and then went home.

A couple more jobs to do for Mother tomorrow morning and then I'm going birding whatever the weather is doing! I wonder if Titchwell's Red-breasted Flycatcher survived this brutal weather? Very unkind weather for any fledgling birds too.

I liked watching David Lindo on Springwatch this evening – hopefully his cool image will inspire some youngsters to take up birding – maybe!

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