Sunday 26 June 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
MEGA! GREAT KNOT at Gore Point at Holme & Scolt Head Island NNR.
Caspian Tern at east end from hide, Spoonbills x 2, Little Gull, Spotted Redshanks x 2 at Breydon Water.
Little Gulls x 3, Spotted Redshanks x 6 at Titchwell RSPB.
Spoonbills x 2, Wood Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank at Cley NWT.
TURTLE DOVE on telegraph pole at Downsland Park at Great Moulton.
TURTLE DOVE singing by NWT pay hut at Holme.
Quails x 2 at Welney WWT.

MEGA! AMERICAN WHITE-WINGED SCOTER again, 4 miles NNE of Aberdeen just south of Blackdog off north end of golf course, Aberdeenshire. 
MEGA! GREAT KNOT still at Scolt Head Island NNR and Gore Point at Holme, Norfolk.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN still at Restronguet Creek, Cornwall. 

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