Saturday 2 July 2016

A Very Chilled Day!

I had no choice but to chill out today. I was burnt out from everything that has gone on over the last week. Woke up without setting the alarm, which was a nice change. Well, I say I had a chilled day, it wasn't really, I was doing tedious jobs all day. Did some housework, organised a filing system for mother, which I'm taking over to her tomorrow – she won't be excited about it, but I'm fed-up with her not being able to find anything! Watched some tennis, can't believe Djokovic is out of Wimbledon, what a shock!

The only highlight today was seeing a Banded Demoiselle in my garden this morning, which is a first in the garden – a lovely surprise. The weather was a real mixture, with sun and rain on and off all day.

When I phoned to see how father was this morning, I wished I hadn't – I could hear him shouting loudly in the background – this is because he is not any medication at all – its being reviewed on Monday again.

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