Saturday 9 July 2016


Huge apologies to all those that have sent emails requesting pictures etc. I have replied to you all and sent numerous other emails to people. Today I was wondering why I have not had replies back, so emailed myself a test and more tests and have discovered to my horror, that none of my sent emails are sending!!! How far back this goes I don't know!

Now going to ring TalkTalk to find out why, please bare with!!!

After speaking to customer services at TalkTalk, it has now got worse. I now can't receive emails either!!! I was asked to ring back in the morning at 8am and speak to a manager!!!

I have spent my entire Friday evening, trying to resolve this – fed up!!

Spent two hours speaking to a 'Manager' today (Saturday morning) who hadn't got a clue what he was doing and repeatedly asked me the same stupid questions eg. 'Do you use webmail?' 'No', I replied, 'I use my Apple Mail account, always have done'. A bit later on in the conversation, he asked me again 'so you use Apple Mail? He continued to repeat everything twice, sometimes three times. I'm sure its done to raise your blood pressure!

I was mentally exhausted at the end of it all, he still couldn't fix it as he didn't understand Mac's for a start! Quote 'The Technical Support Team will contact you by text within 24 hours'. I wont' repeat how I responded to that.... long story short, they will be ringing me at 8pm today, so wherever I am, I have to be home by then. I was so angry I went back to bed!

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