Friday 19 August 2016

Its the Weekend! Hot Birding, The Rutland Bird Fair & Four Days Off!

Its been a very stressful few days – had to make endless, laborious phone calls to Weight Watchers, as I wasn't able to activate my new account – long story short, it is not compatible with Applemacs!!!!!! Hello, its 2016!!! Without activation I can't access the full list of foods to find out their smartpoints or access the App etc. I just couldn't believe this! Asked for refund, wonder how long that will take!

Took the car to the garage this morning for a valet, vehicle check etc – got a phone call at lunchtime to say I had a puncture and that a screw that had gone through the tyre completely and had damaged the tyre behind repair. Original bill at the end of the day should have been £24.99, instead it was a wonderful £142.30 – great!!!

I was thinking about going to the Rutland Bird Fair, but for the first time, I may not go. £15.00 to get in, petrol there, money spent there etc. Can't really afford to go, especially after just paying the garage bill. Plus, it looks like there could be some good birds to see tomorrow! I may go on Sunday, not sure. I have four days off work including this Monday and Tuesday, fabulous!

I hope everyone has a wonderful time at the Rutland Bird Fair and can someone please give Simon King a kiss and a hug from me! Don't forget to look at the Rare Bird Alert sightings board at the Bird Fair, to view the Mega I'm going to find this weekend!!! Open the link below for all the events taking place over the weekend, exhibitors etc!

After writing this post I nipped to the garage shop to get a few supplies and had a warning light come on the dashboard saying 'Loss of Pressure In Rear Left Tyre'!!! This is the same brand new tyre I have just paid for – fuming is an understatement, can't even go birding early morning now. I will be waiting at the Skoda garage when they open in a very angry mood!!! 

The last time I had a few days off work it was ruined by my computer being corrupted, now its the car, so fed up. In desperate need of a stress free break, maybe, one day.

I need to re-title my post  'Its the Weekend! No, Birding, No Bird Fair & Four Days Off!'

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