Tuesday 2 August 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Great White Egret at Holkham Freshmarsh.
Garganey x 2 at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB.
Spoonbills x 3, Wood Sandpipers x 2 at Titchwell RSPB.
Baird's Sandpiper reported at Titchwell RSPB on Sunday was a Little Stint (re-identified from photos).
Spoonbill, Wood Sandpiper, Curlew Sandpiper, Arctic Terns x 2 at Cley NWT.
Short-eared Owl 2 miles west of Great Yarmouth.

Suffolk Highlights
WESTERN PURPLE SWAMPHEN again, on pool behind South hide at Minsmere RSPB, Suffolk.

Lincolnshire Highlights
White-rumped Sandpiper at Frampton Marsh RSPB.


MEGA! LEAST SANDPIPER Ad. north of Seaton + west of Axe Estuary at Black Hole Marsh, Devon.
MEGA! WESTERN PURPLE SWAMPHEN again, on pool behind South Hide at Minsmere RSPB, Suffolk.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN at Lelant Saltings, Hayle Estuary RSPB, Cornwall.

MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL still 4 miles east of Penzance, 500yds west of Perranuthnoe at Boat Cove, Cornwall.

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