Thursday 4 August 2016

Visit to Father!

After work today, I picked up my sister Lucy in King's Lynn and my Mother up from Holme and made a surprise visit to Father in Heacham. It was so lovely to see him and he really perked up, when he realised he had three family visitors! He looked a bit sleepy, but seemed ok. He listened and seemed interested as I told all about the last week's bird news, including the Stone Curlew in the sea lavender at Titchwell RSPB and the mega Western Purple Swamphen that I was hoping to see this weekend. He loved the raspberry trifle we bought him and had two coffees whilst we were there. He brought tears to my eyes when he reached out for Lucy's hand to hold, then mine, and then Mother's – it was as though he wanted to make sure we were really there – so sweet. We spent two hours there, until he was taken up to bed at 9pm.

Took Mother back home – her hip is playing up again, but I don't have much sympathy when she has been lifting buckets of water out of the top of an old water butt (that doesn't have a tap) to water the greenhouse! She has a hosepipe! Lucy and I didn't stay long as it was 9.30pm – we left and returned to King's Lynn.

So glad its Friday tomorrow, its been a long week after working Sunday aswell. Looking forward to twitching at the weekend, even though I will be very late for the 'purple' party!!! Better late than never! Let's hope the Western Purple Swamphen doesn't do a Friday night bunk!

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