Sunday 11 September 2016

Family Day!

My sisters Lucy and Vivien, along with Vivien's partner Ray spent the entire day in Mother's garden having a sort out. Ray did a fantastic job of cutting big branches from trees that were dangerous, cutting and topping the hedge and had a major clear up. It took us all day to clear everything, tidy up and sweep up. We all had fish 'n' chips midday and later surprised Ray with a birthday cake at tea time – it was a few day's late as Ray's birthday was last Wednesday. I nearly got knocked out when standing on the bottom of the step ladder for Ray, the massive willow branch he had cut came down and the lighter branches tickled my head!!! Massive thanks to Ray for all his extremely hard work, Vivien has a good man there!

I took mother to visit father on Friday night – he didn't look too bad, he was sleepy, but felt toasty warm for a change. One of the last things he said to us just before we left was 'can I come home with you?'!!! Breaks my heart.

Saturday rained all day and I chilled at home. What a contrasting weekend! The beach traffic driving home this evening was horrendous, took an hour to get home to King's Lynn!

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