Tuesday 27 September 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3 trapped and ringed, Lapland Buntings x 3 flew north at Waxham Sands Holiday Park.
Yellow-browed Warbler 1/2 mile south of Shangri-La chalet at Waxham.
Pectoral Sandpiper juv. on freshmarsh, Scaup, Caspian Gull, Spoonbills x 2, Curlew Sandpipers x 2, Little Stint, Spotted Redshank at Titchwell RSPB.
Hoopoe again on golf course at Brancaster.
Shearwater sp. (large) flew west at 9.15am, past beach car park at Cley.
Glossy Ibis yesterday at Upton Fen.
Barred Warbler still, north of concrete blocks, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Lapland Bunting flew north at North Dunes, Winterton.
Lapland Buntings x 2 still on coastal footpath and 2 flew over west at Weybourne Camp.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Beeston Common, Sheringham.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Walsey Hills NOA.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB.

MEGA! BROWN SHRIKE 1w in geo on east side of Bruray, Out Skerries, Shetland.

MEGA! GREAT SNIPE at North Hill, Out Skerries, Shetland.
MEGA! GREAT SNIPE again on Fair Isle, Shetland.
MEGA! BRUNNICH'S GUILLEMOT still in harbour at Anstruther, Fife, Scotland.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN 1.5 miles SE of Padstow, on Camel Estuary, Cornwall.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL, 4 miles east of Penzance, 500yds west of Perranuthnoe at Boat Cove, Cornwall.

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