Monday 17 October 2016

Family Day!

Spent the day with my sister Lucy and Mother and visited Father at tea time. Mother had not been to the care home for a good few weeks, as she has not been well herself. Father seemed pleased to see her. He was in the middle of trying to take his jumper off when we arrived as he 'was hot' and he wanted to 'go to bed'. It was 4.30pm and we reminded him of this, he didn't believe us I don't think. Anyway, we asked staff to transfer him to his wheelchair and we then took him through to the dining room, which is considerably quieter than the main living room and we helped him to eat his tea. He had a surprisingly good appetite and had two fried eggs on bread and butter, 2 cheese sandwiches, half a piece of chocolate cake and a raspberry trifle we had bought him. He never ate this much at home, so maybe he hadn't had much for his lunch today. Helped him with his coffee and he then stated he wanted to go to bed again. Took him back to the living room and left him in the w/chair ready for staff to take him to bed. Spent the evening at Mother's trying to cheer her up and then Lucy and I returned to King's Lynn.

Back to some serious birding tomorrow, but I don't think its going to get serious until Wednesday onwards – weekend looks good with the forecast easterlies. If you are thinking of coming to Norfolk for some birding, you could hit the jackpot this weekend – potentially awesome! Pity I haven't got three weeks off, as long range weather indicates easterly winds well into next week!!!

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