Tuesday 11 October 2016

Garden Drove, Warham & East Hills, Wells!

Star of the show at East Hills, Wells

Garden Drove, Warham
Extremely muddy after all the rain along the track and the car was slithering in the mud! A good number of Goldcrests and Robins, a Chiffchaff, Great Tit, Blackbirds, a Song Thrush and a few Redwings, but nothing more exciting. It was a glorious day and was too hot to be wearing a coat!

A big fall of birds including hundreds of Goldcrests, Robins 100+, Blackbirds, Song Thrushes, Redwings, Chiffchaffs, Blackcaps, Goldfinches, Wrens, Coal Tits, Kestrel, Sparrowhawk. Cracking views of the Little Bunting at close range, but extremely unlucky with my picture, unlike S.C who got a stunning picture without the leaf over the beak! However, star of the show for me, was a cracking adult male Mealy Redpoll which I found in the bottom of a sycamore tree, much to the delight of my fellow birders – it was one chunky, showy bird! We could not believe that there wasn't a single Yellow-browed Warbler out here though! The sycamores were full of Goldcrests, but nothing more to get the adrenalin going.
Star of the show at East Hills, Wells

A very poor capture Penelope – won't win any prizes for this picture!

Back at Garden Drove, Warham later on, produced more of the same birds, but nothing new. News of lots of good birds at Wells today, including a Radde's Warbler, Arctic Warbler, Olive-backed Pipit! Wells is obviously the place to be right now! Surely we must be getting a big bird sooner rather than later with all these east winds and rain?!!!

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