Saturday 29 October 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
DUSKY WARBLER still in willows by main path at Titchwell RSPB.
Eastern Yellow Wagtail probable [form plexa simillima/tschutschensis] flew west over Lady Anne's Drive, Great White Egret on Freshmarsh, Great White Egret at south end of lake at Holkham.
Shorelarks x 42, Lapland Bunting east of Holkham Gap towards dunes at Holkham Bay.
Hume's Yellow-browed Warbler probable, just west of crosstracks [heard only] at Holkham.
DUSKY WARBLER still at Walsey Hills NOA.
ISABELLINE WHEATEAR still, west of boardwalk near Gun Hill, Lapland Buntings x 2, Snow Bunting, Crossbill, Waxwing at Burnham Overy Dunes.
DESERT WHEATEAR Male again on shingle, Shorelarks x 3 between Cley and Salthouse.
Water Pipit between Iron and Little Eye, Wood Sandpiper north of A149 on pool west of Iron Road at Salthouse.
Long-tailed Duck, on Watling Water from Babcock Hide, Caspian Gull at North Scrape, Cley NWT.
DUSKY WARBLER on Warren Road at Gorleston-on-Sea.
Water Pipits x 2 at Cantley Beet Factory.
Common Cranes x 4 NNE of Cantley.
White Storks esc x 2, Spotted Redshank at Breydon Water.
Cattle Egret in field by A47 Acle New Road, viewable from gate, White Stork esc flew over Great Yarmouth.
Shorelark, Snow Buntings x 3 at North Beach, Great Yarmouth.
Yellow-browed Warbler along footpath by Ken Hill Wood at Snettisham.
Snow Buntings x 2 on beach, Yellow-browed Warbler at north end of Snettisham Coastal Park.
Yellow-browed Warbler at east end of UEA Broad, Norwich.
Jack Snipe x 3 at Strumpshaw Fen RSPB.
Hooded Crow on grass verge by A148, 200yds beyond 40mph sign at Aylmerton.
Lesser Whitethroat [possible of eastern form] just north of Hall School in bushes between cottages and clifftop at Sidestrand.
Waxwings x 2 along Firs Road, Water Pipits x 2 trapped and ringed at Holme NOA.
Hen Harrier at Buckenham Marshes RSPB.
Short-eared Owl at Thorpe Marshes, Haddiscoe.
Rough-legged Buzzard possible at Halvergate Marshes.
Waxwings x 12 at Branodunum, Brancaster.
Lapland Buntings x 3 west of Garden Drove at Warham Greens.
Lapland Buntings x 2, Snow Bunting at West Runton.

MEGA! SIBERIAN ACCENTOR 11th for UK! in area with no general access at Newbiggin-by-the-Sea, Northumberland.
MEGA! WESTERN PURPLE SWAMPHEN again, 8 miles north of Scunthorpe at Alkborough Flats Nature Reserve, Lincolnshire.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN still Camel Estuary at Rock, Cornwall.

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