Saturday 8 October 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
Great Grey Shrike in fields west of foopath between coast and A149 at Burnham Overy Staithe.
DUSKY OR RADDE'S WARBLER 200 yds west of end of boardwalk mid afternoon but elusive, Richard's Pipit flew north over, Ring Ouzels x 2 flew west, Great White Egret, Twite at Burnham Overy Dunes.
Great Grey Shrike, Yellow-browed Warblers x 4, Jack Snipe, Short-eared Owl at North Dunes, Richard's Pipit at South Dunes, Winterton.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at East Somerton.
Red-breasted Flycatcher in picnic area, Pied Flycatchers x 2, Redstart, Ring Ouzel, Snow Bunting, Pectoral Sandpiper, Yellow-browed Warblers x 4, Little Stints x 3, Curlew Sandpipers x 3, Jack Snipes x 4 at Titchwell RSPB.
Yellow-browed Warbler in Chalkpit Road, Dotterel in field east of church at Titchwell.
Wood Warbler 100yds along track from A149 at midday, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Broad Lane, west of Beach Road, Ring Ouzel, Short-eared Owl at Brancaster.
Yellow-browed Warbler along path heading north just east of Drove Orchards at Thornham.
Yellow-browed Warbler at west end of The Green in sycamores at Thornham.
RADDE'S WARBLER possible, in brambles on west side of road at end of first field, in flight briefly at Thornham Harbour.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Lapland Bunting, Pomarine Skuas x 2, Puffins x 2, Shag x 3 at Holme.
THRUSH NIGHTINGALE possible, at west end in brambles briefly at 3pm, RADDE'S WARBLER 250yds west of crosstracks, Siberian Chiffchaff by crosstracks, Red-breasted Flycatcher 300 yds west of Lady Anne's Drive beyond 1st bench, Yellow-browed Warblers x 12, Great White Egret on Freshmarsh at Holkham.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher in Wells Churchyard.
Red-breasted Flycatcher along coast path at Warham Greens.
DUSKY WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warbler on clifftop north of lighthouse, in fenced off area at Cromer.
Ring Ouzels x 4 flew over Fenway at Heacham.
Ring Ouzels x 2 at railway track, Short-eared Owl at Hopton-on-Sea.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Ring Ouzel at Wells Woods.
Red-breasted Flycatchers x 2, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Ring Ouzels x 9, Firecrest, Jack Snipe, Hen Harriers x 2, Spoonbill at Garden Drove, Redstarts x 2 at Warham Greens (Please DO NOT park in front of trailers on the concrete pad at Garden Drove, farm vehicles need access at all times, 7 days a week)
Ring Ouzel at Nunnery Lakes, Thetford.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Ring Ouzel, Firecrest at Great Yarmouth Cemetery.
Ring Ouzel at Snettisham Coastal Park.
Yellow-browed Warbler in garden at Northrepps.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Ring Ouzel at Warren Lane, Gorleston-on-Sea.
Rose-coloured Starling juv. flew ENE at 11.43am over Walsey Hills NOA.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzel in garden at Horsey Corner.
Short-eared Owl flew in off sea at East Runton.
MEGA! BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS imm. reported, flew north at 2.15pm, past Hunstanton.
MEGA! BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS imm. offshore 2.50pm to 3pm then flew west towards windfarm off Titchwell at Scolt Head Island.
MEGA! BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS imm. flew west at 4.20pm, past Hunstanton Lighthouse (Ashley Banwell).
Little Bunting in The Plantation, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Redstart, Ring Ouzel at Blakeney Point.
PALLAS'S WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Ring Ouzels x 4, Redstart at Stiffkey Campsite Wood.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Stiffkey Fen.
Ring Ouzel NE of Burnham Thorpe.
Ring Ouzel at Nelston Head Track at Horsey.
Water Pipit on Rush Hill Scrape, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2, Scaup at Hickling Broad NWT.
Long-tailed Skua flew east at 5.45pm, Sooty Shearwater, Little Gulls x 8, Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Beeston Common, Sheringham.
Ring Ouzels x 2 at south end of Cross Street, Long-eared or Short-eared Owl flew east, Salthouse.
Ring Ouzel at Weybourne Camp.
Ring Ouzel flew over Benedict's Street, Norwich.

MEGA! GREAT SNIPE just west of Houbie near Velzie, Fetlar, Shetland.
MEGA! BROWN SHRIKE at Kirkhouse Burn, Lower Voe, Shetland.
MEGA! SWAINSON'S THRUSH again on Fetlar at Aith, Shetland.
MEGA! PECHORA PIPIT again on Fair Isle, Shetland.

MEGA! SEMIPALMATED PLOVER juv. on Keel Golf Course, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland.
MEGA! FORSTER'S TERN at Rogerstown, County Dublin, Ireland
MEGA! ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK near Garinish by sharp bend at Firkeel Gap, County Cork, Ireland.
MEGA! SORA still on Great Pool, Tresco, Isles of Scilly.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL, 4 miles east of Penzance, 500yds west of Perranuthnoe at Boat Cove, Cornwall.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN at Crow Point, Taw Estuary, Devon.
MEGA! BLACK-BROWED ALBATROSS imm. reported, flew north at Hunstanton Cliffs at 1.15pm, then off Scolthead Island at 2.50pm-3pm and again flew west past Hunstanton Lighthouse at 4.20pm Norfolk.
MEGA! WESTERN PURPLE SWAMPHEN again, 8 miles north of Scunthorpe at Alkborough Flats Nature Reserve, Lincolnshire.

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