Sunday 9 October 2016


Norfolk Bird News via 'Rare Bird Alert'
DUSKY WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warbler on clifftop north of lighthouse, in fenced off area at Cromer.
DUSKY WARBLER (new bird) 1/4 east of lighthouse in bracken along coastal path at Cromer.
Short-eared Owl flew in off sea at Cromer.
Pectoral Sandpiper just north of Island Hide, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, Little Stints x 2, Curlew Sandpiper at Titchwell RSPB.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Chalkpit Road and another at Gypsy Lane, Titchwell.
RADDE'S WARBLER 250yds west of crosstracks in reeds south of footpath, Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Warblers x 8 at Holkham.
Nightingale in hollow at west end of Holkham Pines, Short-eared Owl at Holkham Gap.
Great White Egret at Holkham Freshmarsh.
Little Bunting at The Hood, Lapland Buntings x 2 at Halfway House, Short-eared Owls x 6 at Blakeney Point.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Friary Hills NT, Blakeney.
Jack Snipe at Nunnery Lakes, Thetford.
SIBERIAN STONECHAT, Lapland Buntings x 4, Short-eared Owl at Thornham Point.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3, Ring Ouzels x 2, Spoonbill (on marsh) in village at Thornham.
Great Grey Shrike, Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzels x 2, Jack Snipe, Redstart, Lapland Bunting, Crossbill at North Dunes, Winterton.
Red-necked Grebe offshore, Arctic Skuas x 2, Great Skua, Short-eared Owls x 2 at Hunstanton Cliffs.
Red-necked Grebe, Scaup x 2 east off Sheringham.
PALLAS'S WARBLER, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher at Stiffkey Campsite Wood.
Hen Harrier near Stiffkey Village.
Great Grey Shrike from road mid afternoon, Lesser Whitethroat (possibly of eastern form) at end of boardwalk, Ring Ouzels x 4, Short-eared Owls x 2 at Burnham Overy Dunes.
Crossbill flew north, Ring Ouzel along railway track at Hopton-on-Sea.
Lesser Whitethroat (possibly of eastern form) at south section, Yellow-browed Warblers x 3 at Great Yarmouth Cemetery.
Hen Harrier flew in off sea, Snow Buntings x 3, Black Redstart at North Beach, Great Yarmouth.
Jack Snipe x 5 at Snipe's Marsh, Ring Ouzel at Walsey Hills NOA.
Ring Ouzel at Broome Common.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3 at East Somerton.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 trapped and ringed, Lapland Bunting at Waxham.
Honey Buzzard flew west at 4pm over Kelling.
Sabine's Gulls juvs. x 2 flew east at 11am, Kelling Hard.
Sabine's Gulls juvs. x 2 flew east at 10.40am, Short-eared Owl in off sea, Scaup, Black-throated Diver at Coastguards at Cley.
White-fronted Geese x 11, Lapland Bunting in Eye Field at Cley NWT.
Sabine's Gull juv. flew east late morning at Weybourne.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 7, Ring Ouzels x 2, Redstart, Jack Snipe at Hemsby.
Ring Ouzels x 2 at Snettisham Coastal Park.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at Garden Drove, Hen Harrier at Warham Greens.
Yellow-browed Warbler, Redstart at Sculthorpe Moor NR.
PALLAS'S WARBLER at Shangri-La Chalet, Waxham.
Yellow-browed Warbler in churchyard at Burnham Deepdale.
Ring Ouzel, Spoonbill, Velvet Scoter at Holme.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Beach Caravan Park, Eccles-on-Sea.
PALLAS'S WARBLER on dung heap, Firecrests x 2 in willows opposite paddocks at Happisburgh.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 3 at Felbrigg Hall NT.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Branodunum, Brancaster.
Ring Ouzels x 2 at south end of Cross Street at Salthouse.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Warren Lane, Gorleston-on-Sea.
Water Pipit from North Wall at Breydon Water.
Common Cranes x 14 at Welney WWT.
Yellow-browed Warblers x 2 at The Dell, Wells Woods.
Red-breasted Flycatcher east of car park at Horsey Mill, Great Grey Shrike at Nelson Head Track at Horsey.
Balearic Shearwater, Lapland Bunting, Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzel, Short-eared Owl at Sheringham.
LESSER GREY SHRIKE unconfirmed report at Hempstead.
Yellow-browed Warbler at Morston.

MEGA! SIBERIAN ACCENTOR – First For Britain, in first quarry north of Mossy Hill, NE of Scousburgh, Mainland, Shetland.
MEGA! WESTERN PURPLE SWAMPHEN again, 8 miles north of Scunthorpe at Alkborough Flats Nature Reserve, Lincolnshire.
MEGA! DALMATIAN PELICAN at Fremington Quay, Devon.
MEGA! SORA still on Great Pool, Tresco, Isles of Scilly.
MEGA! HUDSONIAN WHIMBREL, 4 miles east of Penzance, 500yds west of Perranuthnoe at Boat Cove, Cornwall.

MEGA! PALLAS'S GRASSHOPPER WARBLER possible, in flight at potato field at 11.25am, Spurn Point, Yorkshire. 
MEGA! SWAINSON'S THRUSH again on Fetlar at Aith, Shetland.
MEGA! SHARP-TAILED SANDPIPER juv again, Carrahane Strand, County Kerry, Ireland.
MEGA! SEMIPALMATED PLOVER juv. on beach east of Keel Golf Course, Achill Island, County Mayo, Ireland.
MEGA! ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK near Garinish by sharp bend at Firkeel Gap, County Cork, Ireland.
MEGA! FORSTER'S TERN at Soldier's Point, County Louth, Ireland.
MEGA! FORSTER'S TERN at Rush, Rogerstown Harbour, County Dublin, Ireland.
MEGA! WHITE'S THRUSH recently [identified from photo] in garden at Kirkwall, Orkney.
MEGA! BLYTH'S PIPIT appeared to land in fields on east side of valley at Porthgwarra, Portland, Cornwall.

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