Wednesday 30 November 2016

Hot News!

So far, I have lost 6lbs in my new slimming venture – hoping to be considerably slimmer again by Spring – that's the plan anyway! Only been following the SW diet for two weeks, so pretty pleased. Cooked a wonderful Vegetarian Paella this evening – took ages to make, but it was worth it.

My Mother and I visited Father on Sunday, who looked pretty well – helped him with his tea, he seems to have a much better appetite at teatime than when he was at home, which is good. It was toasty warm in the care home, good job he is where he is, as it isn't exactly hot in Mother's house – its always been a cool house, which is an advantageous in the summer months, but rubbish for the rest of the year!

My sister Lucy played 2nd Violin in her first concert of the season at the Corn Exchange in King's Lynn on Sunday – so pleased she is continuing with this.

It's Andy Wilkinson's 50th birthday this Saturday! Another one to join the fifty's club! I havn't got my party invite yet Andy – it must have got lost in the post?!!!

I really enjoyed watching the first part of the documentary on Fair Isle this week, just makes me want to be there again even more.

I see the Isabelline Wheatear has returned to Burnham Overy Dunes again – I am guessing its been chilling out on Scolt Head Island over the last few weeks, hence no news maybe?!

I don't know where the year has disappeared to, but it will soon be Christmas! We have our work team's Christmas Party next Friday – my once a year social event!!! Well, actually I have three events this year, another party and a Christmas lunch – lucky me!!!

I have been feeling pretty down in the dumps over the last few weeks, hence no personal bird news or pictures posted – mostly due to sad family goings on and other stuff. Things seem to be settling again re family stuff to a degree and kind of like normal again, whatever normal is! 2016 has not been an easy year at all for my family – the best thing that happened, was Father reaching his 90th birthday!

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