Sunday 13 November 2016

Weekend Update!

I have worked two Sundays in a row and was very much looking forward to getting out birding on Saturday, but as many of you know, it poured with rain from dawn 'til dusk – a miserable day and not worth getting soaked for! I visited Father in the afternoon, who was very sleepy when I arrived. The staff said that he had refused tea and his usual cup of coffee. He had slipped in the chair and was in a poor position. I soon woke him up and got a member of staff to help me sit him up in the chair properly. With my assistance, he ate all four small triangles of cheese sandwich (spoon fed to him in tiny pieces), a few crisps, fruit cake and a yoghurt and also two birthday chocolates and a whole beaker of coffee!!! Obviously the support of family members makes all the difference, but we can't all be there every day.

Father looked quite well and had a good colour in his face. I tried the new birthday slippers on him (the pair Mother bought him were too small and I exchanged them for a bigger size) and they fitted well, so left them on him. Father seems to be using my new green hand muff I made him, which is good – I still havn't finished the second one yet though! Just before I left, I helped Father to sign a 'Daughter' birthday card for Vivien, which will be a bit late, but never mind, it will be an unexpected surprise for her!

I visited Mother for the rest of the evening who was tired but ok – we watched 'Strictly' together with the cat, who decided to snuggle between us both on the sofa, which was sweet!

Today of course, was gloriously sunny weather, whilst I was working on a very long day – helping to get things in order for our move back to our newly refurbished ward. It was quite amazing how much Debbie and I achieved later this afternoon at work – we make an excellent team. Our new ward looks amazing, really excited at returning to our 'home', with new lighting, colour coded bays, new paintwork, new bathrooms, new meeting rooms, new reception area, new floors etc etc!

I'm also looking forward to an entire weekend off at the end of the week!

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