Saturday 17 December 2016

Birding At Last & Visit to Parents!

Visited Father this morning, who was the best I have seen him for a long time! Mind you, that was probably because he is more alert/happier in the mornings – I usually see him later afternoon/evenings. He was smiling and laughing with the staff and I got a lovely smile, when he realised I was there – made my day. He even asked 'how's Margaret?'!!! A beautiful soft, silver/grey blanket that Vivien bought Father for his 90th birthday is missing, the staff have spent a good while searching for it – it seems to have vanished, which is very frustrating – it has to be there somewhere!

Got some shopping in Hunstanton for Mother and spent a couple of hours with her and 'the spoilt cat' (as she wrote in my Christmas card). The Christmas tree I bought for her, is dropping its needles already, even with the water reservoir – hope its lasts until 25th!

Went to Titchwell RSPB for a short while, but the fog hindered birding massively. Good numbers of duck and gulls on the freshmarsh including Shoveler, Teal, Shelducks and also at least 6 Avocets in the gloom and fog. Had a very late lunch in the cafe – I was the only one there! Lots of lovely tempting things to buy in the shop, including reduced price Christmas gifts for any of your last minute shopping.

I have found out that Titchwell RSPB is open on Christmas Eve, but not on Boxing Day, whereas Cley NWT Visitor Centre is not open on Christmas Eve, but is open on Boxing Day – just in case this is useful for any of you that have the time to go birding over the Christmas period and want refreshments in a warm place.

I spent the evening with Mother watching the 'Strictly Finale' and then headed home slowly, in dense fog – not a nice journey. Work all day tomorrow. Looking forward to my four day Christmas break.

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