Friday 30 December 2016

Father Continues To Fight

Today has been rocky again. Father had a fairly settled night and I did too on my camp bed! Early morning he looked a good colour for the first time and spoke for the first time and said 'yes please' to my offer of some coffee at  breakfast time – but this did not work out as he was not able to swallow or with thickener in the coffee. He did manage to swallow 4 quarter teaspoons of raspberry yoghurt, but then sneezed it all out! A consultant instructed that he is now Nil by mouth. This was the only time he looked ok today after this his BP dropped very low and he looked awful. BP increased again later. His breathing was very heavy and erratic and also had moments of not breathing at all!

The Respiridone that Father is normally on for his dementia is now wearing off and he has become very restless and tugging at sheets etc! I was told it would commence again tomorrow. Temperature dropped to 35.9 at 7.30pm and Father was distressed and very cold I wrapped him up with more blankets and by 8.30pm it had risen to 36.6 the night staff who had just started her shift said I had done a good job. He looks very pale this evening. I didn't expect him to last this long the doctors looked surprised when they came onto the ward this morning!

Whilst my family were here today, I had to leave for a short while to swop my spare emergency wheel over for new tyre/wheel from my puncture on Christmas Eve. The fog is really bad in Norfolk today. I went off for a short break this evening to see the Pied Wagtail roost I was so pleased to see them all, still in the courtyard harden, huddled up in their now heavily trimmed bushes this really lifted my spirits for a while nature can be so comforting at difficult times. When I returned to Father's side room I played some bird song from my iphone for him to listen to: Bee-eater, Hoopoe, Golden Oriole, Nightingale, Cuckoo and Tawny Owl - he seemed to enjoy this. I played Tawny Owl to remind him of the Owls that call at Mother's house most nights and the Cuckoo to remind him of old NOA member Ron Longstaff who used to 'Cuckoo' along the main bank in winter time! Taken me ages to type this all up, one fingered on my iphone!

So with New Year's Eve fast approaching I wonder if Father will make it to the new year. Thank you again for all your ongoing kind support and messages, it is much appreciated.

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