Friday 2 December 2016

Pied Wagtail Roost At The QEH!

One of my colleagues Jane Veall, recently discovered a wonderful Pied Wagtail Roost in one of the courtyard gardens at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I went to have a look yesterday – what a spectacle! At least a couple of hundred were roosting in some bushes in a small courtyard garden. I got some funny looks from other staff and visitors, as I was peering through the windows from the corridor and had to explain what I was doing several times over! It was like being at a party – a bird party. Every so often, something would scare them and they would fly up amongst the lights and then return to the bushes, jostling for the best and warmest positions. They were magical to watch, as they flitted around the bright green leaves in the lights and the volume of noise from their calls was a joy. A good find, well done Jane!

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