Friday 9 December 2016

Stroke Rehabilitation Christmas Party!

Dukes Head Hotel, King's Lynn!

Fabulous party – one of the best I can remember, of what I can remember! I don't drink at all or rarely any way, but always have a good session at our Christmas work party! I begrudge the price of drinks, so always start off with a 3/4 glass of brandy at home! This is usually drank at the last minute, whilst waiting for my glittery nails to dry, as was the case last night.

Several of us met round Sarah's house for a tipple before leaving for the party. The brandy had taken a very quick effect and I was giggling and waffling, even before I started the prosecco wine we were drinking! Those that were not drinking for various reasons (pregnancy etc) very kindly gave the rest of us a lift to the party.

We were greeted with glasses of more prosecco wine at the door of the The Dukes Head Hotel and I managed to cheekily collect a few more for my table a little later on! The food was excellent and we were all flying round the dance floor later. But the highlight of the evening was the new Stroke Rehab Choir – people on our table started singing christmas songs in a really fun way with Rosie and Lily using the table as a drum, it was awesome and especially to Lily and Keri for their brilliant moves! I took a video, but mine was naff – Bev has a brilliant one, which I am hoping she is going to email me, so I can upload it on here.

There was six of us left at the end (see headline picture). I was very disappointed to have missed Cilla's signature cartwheel just before she left! Bev and I departed just before 12am in a taxi with one of the helium balloon table decorations, which I was going to bring to work on Monday to add to our festive decorations, but it had all deflated by Saturday morning, as was I!

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