Friday 6 January 2017

Father Discharged Back To Summerville House!

I can not believe the recovery my Father has made since last week! After being admitted to hospital and spending three days in a near death state, he has battled through and with the amazing clinical skills of the Consultant and Doctors and the care from some wonderful Nursing Auxilliaries and Staff Nurses, he is still here! He was medically fit to leave today and an ambulance took him back to Summerville House Care Home at just after 1pm (whilst I was at work). I heard later on that he was smiling when he returned back to the care home and did not want to go to bed. He was sitting out in an armchair for the first time in ten days! I warned the care home that he would need to be full hoist now, as he has lost strength and energy, but when I visited later on, I was told he had managed the standing hoist! I returned all his clothes and hospital bag and put everything away in the wardrobe and draws. He looked settled and cosy in his bedroom and was asleep. It's such a relief that he is ok, its been a very stressful and traumatic time for all my family and again thank you all very much for your wonderful support and kind messages. It really is a miracle that he survived – obviously not his time to depart yet!

I then visited Mother who sounded extremely ill over the phone with this horrible cold virus that lots of people have had and when I arrived at the house, she looked awful, full of cold and a hacky cough. Helped her with a few things and then returned home.

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