Tuesday 17 January 2017

Father is 'Medically Fit'!!!

Well maybe he is on paper, but he doesn't look ready to be discharged to me, but he is going back to the care home tomorrow. They wanted to send him back today, but I pointed out that surely it was sensible and a better use of NHS money to trial how he is with no intravenous fluids or antibiotics etc for at least 24 hours before discharging him!!! It seems black and white/common sense to see how he is with simply food and water for a few days, rather than discharging him straight away, only to have him back in again, which is massively distressing to him and at a higher cost to NHS! Common sense? Not many people seem to have that nowadays!

I also discovered today, that Lactulose had not been given at all, when Father normally has this daily in the care home and this has now caused 'problems' – I will leave you to work out what, without me going into gory details! Let's just say, that Father is not as comfortable as he normally is and hopefully this will be sorted before discharge. I still can't believe he has survived, after everything he has gone through! But he looks so frail now, I really can't see him lasting much longer.

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