Sunday 8 January 2017

Still here.........

I can not believe that my dear Father is still here on his second day. With only oxygen to keep him alive, he still refuses to give up. He is much poorer today and breathing is slower. I was very freaked out by something unexpected today when I asked him if he knew I was here and he gave me a little nod! This brought tears to my eyes, but it was comforting to know that he knew I was here. The A&E doctor told me yesterday that he would not be aware of us now, but that is obviously not the case! Someone senior on the ward told me that hearing is one of the last things to go. 

My sister Lucy came for a short while today and Vivien has spent a long time here, but then was torn between our poorly Mother and staying here - in the end, she went to look after Mother, who's cold virus sounds awful. My work colleagues have been so supportive today in so many ways and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


  1. Stay strong Penny,you are in the thoughts of all your blog readers.

  2. Dear Penny the thoughts of your many readers are with you and your family...
