Saturday 18 February 2017

£1000 Target Reached In Under 48 Hours!

 😂 WOW! 👍
A WHOPPING £1000 raised in under 48 hours!

When I posted my thanks yesterday for all the amazing and generous donations to the Holme Bird Observatory Window Appeal, the total hit £670 in under 24 hours! If that wasn't enough, today at 9.55pm that total has climbed to a humongous total £1000!!! With Gift Aid, it has totalled to £1,227.50 – all in under 48 hours! This has seriously lifted my spirits and feel pretty chuffed to say the least, that my blog readers, supporters, friends and others, have so kindly and generously donated and also written so many lovely comments on the NOA 'My Donate' website – HERE.

I had a lovely thank you email from the NOA Chairman yesterday to thank me for promoting this and I'm pretty sure both him, Warden Sophie Barker and the rest of the NOA Team will be over the moon with this very fast donation result!


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