Monday 13 February 2017


I had to take my car to the garage this morning, as the oil light warning came on. When I collected my Skoda at the end of the day after work, it was highlighted to me that my wheel nut caps were missing!!! The Skoda rep came out with me to look at the car and every single one on all four wheels has been stolen!!! I simply had no idea – if a few were missing I'm sure I would have noticed this, but being as every single one has been taken, it hadn't stood out to me at all. Fuming is an understatement! Ok, they are purely there for cosmetic reasons and don't affect the running of the car, but its the cheek of someone daring to take all of these right under my nose! I'm sure this must have been done under the cover of darkness, so I'm guessing someone has removed these as I have slept. Even more annoying is that my car is parked directly under my bedroom window – I can't believe I didn't hear any disturbance! No point in replacing them either, only to be stolen again.

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