Sunday 5 February 2017

Weekend Update!

I haven't posted much lately, aside from the normal bird news, as I have been having a difficult time all round. New medication resulted in me having no sleep for four nights last week, with restless leg syndrome – it drove me insane, so I scrapped it – long story! I have been sleeping far more than I should, but that's due to depression/mood. People who do suffer will understand, those that don't will just think snap out of it – far easier said than done!

I actually got round to doing something on Saturday, which I have been putting off for a long time – with bow saw and loppers, I made a good start on clearing my back garden. This needs to be done before Spring migration starts, so decided to get on with it. My entire garden used to be perfect, but sadly I let it go. A neighbour's tree crashing into my greenhouse didn't do much for my enthusiasm a few years back!

Today was spent pruning/clearing Mother's buddhelias. Vivien and Ray came over to deliver Mother's birthday presents (9th February) and card and we had fish 'n' chips for lunch from Eric's at Thornham. I also visited Father today, he was very sleepy and could barely open his eyes, but looked fairly ok apart from that. Made myself a lovely salad this evening for my return back to work tomorrow.

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