Saturday 4 March 2017

Day 10 – Hibernating!

Life is so precious, every day is precious, but I wasted the entire day. I had a 'duvet day' – I didn't want to get up or do anything at all. I couldn't get the image of my father laying in his coffin out of my head and it has really disturbed me.

I went to visit Mother for a short while in the evening to make sure she was ok. I found her asleep in the chair, as was that cat – both snoozing away. We both read the EDP to find and check Father's funeral announcement.

The EDP don't seem capable of typing our funeral notice as requested, missing out a comma and putting one somewhere there shouldn't have been one – making some text bold which we didn't ask for. They may well be minor errors, but I'm pedantic, having been in the print trade for a very long time, I am very fussy about design, grammar, spellings etc. I hate it when I'm incorrect – fortunately I have a couple of readers who promptly email me if I have spelt something wrong (JF & RB)!

Tomorrow, the family is meeting up to make the final decisions on music and to write the Order of Service. There won't be any hymns, as Father requested 'no hymns, no priest' and so on! He also requested that he didn't want his ashes on our mantle piece! We have chosen some beautiful music, but we would really like someone to read something for us, none of us can do it – I would be in tears after reading the first few words – one of the funeral directors will read it for us, but it would have been nice if it had been someone we know. I can think of a handful of people I would like to do this, people who have known my father all their lives, but I don't like to ask them – I don't want to put anybody on the spot. I would like to hear some humorous stories too!

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