Sunday 12 March 2017

Day 18 – Family Meeting!

We all met up at mother's house to discuss the final funeral arrangements for next week. Did we want a limousine or not, where do we start from etc etc. Were we going to break father's request and have a floral arrangement on the coffin, when he requested 'no flowers at all'?! How many order of service booklets to get printed? Decisions about readings and who was doing them and more! Exhausting, when you don't really feel like making any decisions. Showed my mother and sisters my layout and design for the order of service, which they were more than happy with.

Vivien, Lucy and I met up with Gary at the NWT Firs to discuss the catering for the wake and how many people to cater for? That is a very good question indeed – we have no idea how many will turn up, could be 20, could be 30, 50 or more, who knows! It would be great if we knew numbers, but we don't, so will just have to hope there is enough food to go round. We then walked to the observatory to reminisce of hot sunny days in our childhood – it was raining!

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