Monday 6 March 2017

RAR At Halfway House, Blakeney Point!

Richard Richardson, ? and Paul Kirby at Halfway House,
Blakeney Point ©Peter Clarke

Whilst searching for old pictures of my Father today, I found this fascinating photograph amongst his possessions. Father has hundreds of black and white photographs, mostly of birds, but some fascinating ones of people and places. I recognised Richard immediately when I dug this photo out! It is simply labelled 'Halfway House' at 'Blakeney Point', but doesn't say who anyone is or what year it was taken. I'm guessing it was taken in the '50's. The photo is tiny and no more than 70mm across. I photographed the picture with my iphone, so not pin sharp. If anyone could tell me who the other birders are, that would be awesome? Mother could not work out who they were – she said that Peter Jackson and Paul Kirby walked BP with Peter and Richard, but neither of these are of Peter Jackson, as I always recognise him straight away. A wonderful piece of history!

Update: Via Twitter on Tuesday: Great Yarmouth Birder Peter Allard said that Paul Kirby is standing on the right of this picture, thanks Peter!

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