Saturday 15 April 2017

Develop A GCSE In Natural History!

Please sign the petition below and pass the message on, thank you.

"Re-engagement with Britain's natural history has never been more urgent. Young people need the skills to name, observe, monitor and record wildlife. It is vital to understand the contribution nature makes to our lives physically, culturally, emotionally and scientifically both in the past and today.

Britain’s reputation for recording its natural history was unsurpassed anywhere in the world. Those skills are disappearing as new generations are increasingly disconnected. The UK also has outstanding nature writing, art, poetry, film and radio. It has always been integral to our culture and heritage."
  • Tony Juniper: “This is a brilliant idea and I am happy to endorse, support and advocate however I can.”
  • Professor Tim Birkhead FRS: “This is the best idea I have heard about for a long time.”

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