Wednesday 26 April 2017

Hot Birding Next Week!

I completed my second run for 'Couch to 5k' this morning, in freezing conditions and light rain – my third one is on Friday and then the schedule changes weekly with increasingly longer runs ending with a 5k run by week 9 – we'll see!

I have set up a mini bird feeding station at work, where I park my car, which has been hugely successful and fabulous to watch birds feeding directly in front of me in my lunch break – that is if I am able to get my favoured car parking space every morning, which is not always possible! The weather is seriously cold – we've had heavy rain, hail and wind, but its all changing next week!

The week ahead looks very exciting indeed, with south east winds kicking off this Saturday! Well, to be precise, winds switch to south east at 10pm on Friday night, according to BBC weather! Looks like I have struck gold with an entire week off! If you can arrange last minute holidays – book the week off! Just one small problem – I have to wait in on Saturday morning for British Gas to service my boiler – can't change it, as its taken three months to get the appointment!

On Tuesday, the wind switches back to north west, then we have a run of north easterlies for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The magical month of May birding begins!

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